System_EntityState class
A System applying EntityState on Entity based on its EntityStateComponent. Applying = added/removed/modified Component of the Entity. The System will update EntityStateComponent.currentState and EntityStateComponent.previousState.
Based on but without the EntityStateMachine, because :
EntityState changes are applying only on existing Entity via EntityProcessingSystem behavior of System_EntityState.
If a EntitySystem change EntityStateComponent.state, the Component of Entity aren't added/modify/removed, so internal ComponentMapper of the System aren't impacted, and Aspect constraints of the System are keep.
Other EntitySystem can compare the value of EntityStateComponent.previousState and EntityStateComponent.currentState to check if state has been changed since last process (to trigger some modifications).
- More EntitySystem way of doing (IMHO)
class System_EntityState extends EntityProcessingSystem { ComponentMapper<EntityStateComponent> _escMapper; System_EntityState() : super(Aspect.getAspectForAllOf([EntityStateComponent])); void initialize(){ _escMapper = new ComponentMapper<EntityStateComponent>(EntityStateComponent, world); } void processEntity(Entity entity) { var esc = _escMapper.get(entity); esc._previousState = esc._currentState; if (esc.state != null && esc.state != esc.currentState){ var current = esc._states[esc.currentState]; var next = esc._states[esc.state]; assert(next != null);//, "state '${next}' is not defined"); _changeStateOf(entity, current, next); esc._currentState = esc.state; } } void _changeStateOf(Entity e, EntityState current, EntityState next) { if (current == next) { // nothing to do } else { if (current != null) { //TODO optimize the computation of component diff current.forEach((provider) { var np = next.getByType(provider.type); if (np == null || != { e.removeComponentByType(provider.type); } }); } // keep existing Component of the same type // (not previously removed because same or managed outside of the state machine) next.forEach((provider){ var components = world.componentManager.getComponentsByType(provider.type); if (components == null || !components.isIndexWithinBounds( || components[] == null) { e.addComponent(provider.createComponent(e)); } }); next.modifiers.forEach((modifier){ modifier.applyE(e); }); e.changedInWorld(); } } }
EntitySystem > EntityProcessingSystem > System_EntityState
new System_EntityState() #
Create a new EntityProcessingSystem. It requires at least one component.
System_EntityState() : super(Aspect.getAspectForAllOf([EntityStateComponent]));
void begin() #
Called before processing of entities begins.
void begin() {}
bool checkProcessing() #
Returns true if the system should be processed, false if not.
bool checkProcessing() => true;
void deleted(Entity e) #
void deleted(Entity e) { if (_contains(e)) { _removeFromSystem(e); } }
void disabled(Entity e) #
void disabled(Entity e) { if (_contains(e)) { _removeFromSystem(e); } }
void end() #
Called after the processing of entities ends.
void end() {}
void initialize() #
Override to implement code that gets executed when systems are initialized.
void initialize(){ _escMapper = new ComponentMapper<EntityStateComponent>(EntityStateComponent, world); }
void inserted(Entity entity) #
Called if the system has received an entity it is interested in, e.g. created or a component was added to it.
void inserted(Entity entity) {}
void process() #
This is the only method that is supposed to be called from outside the library,
void process() { if(checkProcessing()) { begin(); processEntities(_actives.readOnly); end(); } }
void processEntities(ReadOnlyBag<Entity> entities) #
Any implementing entity system must implement this method and the logic to process the given entities of the system.
void processEntities(ReadOnlyBag<Entity> entities) => entities.forEach((entity) => processEntity(entity));
void processEntity(Entity entity) #
Process a entity this system is interested in.
void processEntity(Entity entity) { var esc = _escMapper.get(entity); esc._previousState = esc._currentState; if (esc.state != null && esc.state != esc.currentState){ var current = esc._states[esc.currentState]; var next = esc._states[esc.state]; assert(next != null);//, "state '${next}' is not defined"); _changeStateOf(entity, current, next); esc._currentState = esc.state; } }
void removed(Entity entity) #
Called if an entity was removed from this system, e.g. deleted or had one of it's components removed.
void removed(Entity entity) {}