Dart Documentationsystem_emitter

system_emitter library

TODO lot of test (unit, ...) TODO benchmark, profiling, optimisation


Vector3GenInto cone({Vector3 apex, Vector3 axis, double angle: 0.0, double height: 10.0, double truncatedHeight: 0.0}) #

Vector3GenInto cone({Vector3 apex, Vector3 axis, double angle : 0.0, double height : 10.0, double truncatedHeight : 0.0} ){
 apex = (apex == null) ? new Vector3.zero() : apex;
 axis = (axis  == null)?  VY_AXIS : axis;
 var _perp1 = perpendicular(axis);
 var _perp2 = axis.cross( _perp1 ).normalize();
 return (v, dt){
   var h = _random.nextDouble();
   h = truncatedHeight + ( 1 - h * h ) * ( height - truncatedHeight );

   var r = _random.nextDouble();
   var radiusAtHeight = math.tan( angle / 2 ) * h;
   r = ( 1 - r * r ) * ( h ) * radiusAtHeight;

   var a = _random.nextDouble() * 2 * math.PI;
   var p1 = _perp1.clone();
   p1.scale( r * math.cos( a ) );
   var p2  = _perp2.clone();
   p2.scale( r * math.sin( a ) );
   return v.setFrom(axis)
     .scale( h )

Vector3 perpendicular(Vector3 v) #

Vector3 perpendicular(Vector3 v) {
 if( v.x == 0 ) {
   return new Vector3( 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 );
 } else {
   return new Vector3( v.y, -v.x, 0.0 ).normalize();

Vector3GenInto line(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, Ease easing) #

Vector3GenInto line(Vector3 start, Vector3 end, ease.Ease easing){
 var length = end - start;
 var acc = 0.0;
 return (v, dt){
   v.setFrom(length).scale(easing(acc, 1.0, 0)).add(start);
   acc += dt;
   return v;

Vector3GenInto box(Vector3 center, Vector3 offsets) #

Vector3GenInto box(Vector3 center, Vector3 offsets) => (v, dt){
 v.x += (_random.nextDouble() - 0.5) * 2 * offsets.x;
 v.y += (_random.nextDouble() - 0.5) * 2 * offsets.y;
 v.z += (_random.nextDouble() - 0.5) * 2 * offsets.z;
 return v;

Vector3GenInto constant(Vector3 x) #

always return a clone of x.

Vector3GenInto constant(Vector3 x) => (v, dt) => v.setFrom(x);

IntGen easingOverTime(Ease easing, num change, num baseValue) #

IntGen easingOverTime(ease.Ease easing, num change, num baseValue){
 num _acc = 0.0;
 return (dt){
   _acc += dt;
   return easing(_acc, change, baseValue).toInt();

IntGen steady(int rate) #

rate The number of particles to emit per second. TODO manage case where rate * dt < 1000

IntGen steady(int rate) {
 num _acc = 0;
 num _rateInv = (rate > 0)? 1000/rate : 0;
 return (dt){
   _acc += dt;
   var b = ((rate * _acc) / 1000).round();
   //print("${b * 1000/_acc} ---- ${b} --- ${_acc}");
   _acc -= b * _rateInv;
   return b;

IntGen singleWave(v) #

IntGen singleWave(v) => ((dt) => (dt == 0) ? v : 0);

IntGen zero() #

always return 0.

IntGen zero() => (dt) => 0;

Initializer particlesAddComponents(List<Function> fs) #

Initializer particlesAddComponents(List<Function> fs) => (dt, Entity emitter, List<Entity> es) {
   var ps = e.getComponent(Particles.CT) as Particles;
   if (ps != null) {
     fs.forEach((f) => e.addComponent(f(ps.length)));

Initializer addComponents(List<Function> fs) #

Initializer addComponents(List<Function> fs) => (dt, Entity emitter, List<Entity> es) {
   fs.forEach((f) => e.addComponent(f()));

Initializer particlesStartPositionPrevious(Vector3GenInto gen, bool fromEmitter) #

used to define a initial velocity if Verlet Simulator, also add Constraints Component should add after a Initializer that set position3d of particules

Initializer particlesStartPositionPrevious(Vector3GenInto gen, bool fromEmitter) => (dt, Entity emitter, List<Entity> es) {
 var m4 = new Matrix4.identity();
 if (fromEmitter) {
   var tf = emitter.getComponent(Transform.CT) as Transform;
 processParticules(es, (ps, i) {
    var v = gen(ps.position3dPrevious[i], dt);
    v = m4.rotate3(v);

Initializer particlesStartPosition(Vector3GenInto gen, bool fromEmitter) #

Initializer particlesStartPosition(Vector3GenInto gen, bool fromEmitter) => (dt, Entity emitter, List<Entity> es) {
 var tf = emitter.getComponent(Transform.CT) as Transform;
 var pos = tf.position3d;
 processParticules(es, (ps, i) {
   gen(ps.position3d[i], dt);
   if (fromEmitter) ps.position3d[i].add(pos);

dynamic processParticules(List<Entity> es, f(Particules, i)) #

processParticules(List<Entity> es, f(Particules, i)) {
 es.forEach((e) {
   var ps = e.getComponent(Particles.CT) as Particles;
   if (ps != null) {
     //print("init on ${ps.l.length} particles");
     for(var i = 0; i < ps.length; i++) {
       f(ps, i);

