Dart DocumentationdartemisWorld

World class

The primary instance for the framework. It contains all the managers.

You must use this to create, delete and retrieve entities.

It is also important to set the delta each game loop iteration, and initialize before game loop.

class World {
 final EntityManager _entityManager = new EntityManager();
 final ComponentManager _componentManager = new ComponentManager();

 final Bag<Entity> _added = new Bag<Entity>();
 final Bag<Entity> _changed = new Bag<Entity>();
 final Bag<Entity> _deleted = new Bag<Entity>();
 final Bag<Entity> _enable = new Bag<Entity>();
 final Bag<Entity> _disable = new Bag<Entity>();

 final Map<Type, EntitySystem> _systems = new Map<Type, EntitySystem>();
 final List<EntitySystem> _systemsList= new List<EntitySystem>();

 final Map<Type, Manager> _managers = new Map<Type, Manager>();
 final Bag<Manager> _managersBag = new Bag<Manager>();

 num delta;

 World() {

  * Makes sure all managers systems are initialized in the order they were
  * added.
 void initialize() {
   _managersBag.forEach((manager) => manager.initialize());
   _systemsList.forEach((system) => system.initialize());

  * Returns a manager that takes care of all the entities in the world.
  * entities of this world.
 EntityManager get entityManager => _entityManager;

  * Returns a manager that takes care of all the components in the world.
 ComponentManager get componentManager => _componentManager;

  * Add a manager into this world. It can be retrieved later. World will
  * notify this manager of changes to entity.
 void addManager(Manager manager) {
   _managers[manager.runtimeType] = manager;
   manager._world = this;

  * Returns a [Manager] of the specified [managerType].
 Manager getManager(Type managerType) {
   return _managers[managerType];

  * Deletes the manager from this world.
 void deleteManager(Manager manager) {

  * Create and return a new or reused [Entity] instance.
 Entity createEntity() {
   return _entityManager._createEntityInstance();

  * Get an [Entity] having the specified [entityId].
 Entity getEntity(int entityId) {
   return _entityManager._getEntity(entityId);

  * Gives you all the systems in this world for possible iteration.
 ReadOnlyBag<EntitySystem> get systems => new Bag.from(_systemsList).readOnly;

  * Adds a system to this world that will be processed by World.process().
  * If [passive] is set to true the system will not be processed by the world.
 EntitySystem addSystem(EntitySystem system, {bool passive : false}) {
   system.world = this;
   system._passive = passive;

   _systems[system.runtimeType] = system;

   return system;

  * Removed the specified system from the world.
 void deleteSystem(EntitySystem system) {

  * Retrieve a system for specified system type.
 EntitySystem getSystem(Type type) {
   return _systems[type];

  * Performs an action on each entity.
 void _check(Bag<Entity> entities, void perform(EntityObserver, Entity)) {
   entities.forEach((entity) {
     _managersBag.forEach((manager) => perform(manager, entity));
     _systemsList.forEach((system) => perform(system, entity));

  * Processes all changes to entities and executes all non-passive systems.
 void process() {

   _systemsList.forEach((system) {
     if (!system.passive) {

  *Processes all changes to entities.
 void processEntityChanges() {
   _check(_added, (observer, entity) => observer.added(entity));
   _check(_changed, (observer, entity) => observer.changed(entity));
   _check(_disable, (observer, entity) => observer.disabled(entity));
   _check(_enable, (observer, entity) => observer.enabled(entity));
   _check(_deleted, (observer, entity) => observer.deleted(entity));


  * Removes all entities from the world.
  * Every entity and component has to be created anew. Make sure not to reuse
  * [Component]s that were added to an [Entity] and referenced in you code
  * because they will be added to a free list and might be overwritten once a
  * new [Component] of that type is created.
 void deleteAllEntities() {
   entityManager._entities.forEach((entity) {
     if (null != entity) {

  * Adds a [Entity e] to this world.
 void addEntity(Entity e) => _added.add(e);

  * Ensure all systems are notified of changes to this [Entity e]. If you're
  * adding a [Component] to an [Entity] after it's been added to the world, then
  * you need to invoke this method.
 void changedEntity(Entity e) => _changed.add(e);

  * Delete the [Entity e] from the world.
 void deleteEntity(Entity e) {
   if (!_deleted.contains(e)) {

  * (Re)enable the [Entity e] in the world, after it having being disabled. Won't
  * do anything unless it was already disabled.
 void enable(Entity e) => _enable.add(e);

  * Disable the [Entity e] from being processed. Won't delete it, it will
  * continue to exist but won't get processed.
 void disable(Entity e) => _disable.add(e);


new World() #

World() {


final ComponentManager componentManager #

Returns a manager that takes care of all the components in the world.

ComponentManager get componentManager => _componentManager;

num delta #

num delta

final EntityManager entityManager #

Returns a manager that takes care of all the entities in the world. entities of this world.

EntityManager get entityManager => _entityManager;

final ReadOnlyBag<EntitySystem> systems #

Gives you all the systems in this world for possible iteration.

ReadOnlyBag<EntitySystem> get systems => new Bag.from(_systemsList).readOnly;


void addEntity(Entity e) #

Adds a Entity e to this world.

void addEntity(Entity e) => _added.add(e);

void addManager(Manager manager) #

Add a manager into this world. It can be retrieved later. World will notify this manager of changes to entity.

void addManager(Manager manager) {
 _managers[manager.runtimeType] = manager;
 manager._world = this;

EntitySystem addSystem(EntitySystem system, {bool passive: false}) #

Adds a system to this world that will be processed by World.process(). If passive is set to true the system will not be processed by the world.

EntitySystem addSystem(EntitySystem system, {bool passive : false}) {
 system.world = this;
 system._passive = passive;

 _systems[system.runtimeType] = system;

 return system;

void changedEntity(Entity e) #

Ensure all systems are notified of changes to this Entity e. If you're adding a Component to an Entity after it's been added to the world, then you need to invoke this method.

void changedEntity(Entity e) => _changed.add(e);

Entity createEntity() #

Create and return a new or reused Entity instance.

Entity createEntity() {
 return _entityManager._createEntityInstance();

void deleteAllEntities() #

Removes all entities from the world.

Every entity and component has to be created anew. Make sure not to reuse Components that were added to an Entity and referenced in you code because they will be added to a free list and might be overwritten once a new Component of that type is created.

void deleteAllEntities() {
 entityManager._entities.forEach((entity) {
   if (null != entity) {

void deleteEntity(Entity e) #

Delete the Entity e from the world.

void deleteEntity(Entity e) {
 if (!_deleted.contains(e)) {

void deleteManager(Manager manager) #

Deletes the manager from this world.

void deleteManager(Manager manager) {

void deleteSystem(EntitySystem system) #

Removed the specified system from the world.

void deleteSystem(EntitySystem system) {

void disable(Entity e) #

Disable the Entity e from being processed. Won't delete it, it will continue to exist but won't get processed.

void disable(Entity e) => _disable.add(e);

void enable(Entity e) #

(Re)enable the Entity e in the world, after it having being disabled. Won't do anything unless it was already disabled.

void enable(Entity e) => _enable.add(e);

Entity getEntity(int entityId) #

Get an Entity having the specified entityId.

Entity getEntity(int entityId) {
 return _entityManager._getEntity(entityId);

Manager getManager(Type managerType) #

Returns a Manager of the specified managerType.

Manager getManager(Type managerType) {
 return _managers[managerType];

EntitySystem getSystem(Type type) #

Retrieve a system for specified system type.

EntitySystem getSystem(Type type) {
 return _systems[type];

void initialize() #

Makes sure all managers systems are initialized in the order they were added.

void initialize() {
 _managersBag.forEach((manager) => manager.initialize());
 _systemsList.forEach((system) => system.initialize());

void process() #

Processes all changes to entities and executes all non-passive systems.

void process() {

 _systemsList.forEach((system) {
   if (!system.passive) {

void processEntityChanges() #

Processes all changes to entities.

void processEntityChanges() {
 _check(_added, (observer, entity) => observer.added(entity));
 _check(_changed, (observer, entity) => observer.changed(entity));
 _check(_disable, (observer, entity) => observer.disabled(entity));
 _check(_enable, (observer, entity) => observer.enabled(entity));
 _check(_deleted, (observer, entity) => observer.deleted(entity));
