Dart DocumentationdartemisAspect

Aspect class

An Aspect is used by systems as a matcher against entities, to check if a system is interested in an entity. Aspects define what sort of component types an entity must possess, or not possess.

This creates an aspect where an entity must possess A and B and C:

Aspect.getAspectForAllOf([A, B, C])

This creates an aspect where an entity must possess A and B and C, but must not possess U or V.

Aspect.getAspectForAllOf([A, B, C]).exclude([U, V])

This creates an aspect where an entity must possess A and B and C, but must not possess U or V, but must possess one of X or Y or Z.

Aspect.getAspectForAllOf([A, B, C]).exclude([U, V]).oneOf([X, Y, Z])

You can create and compose aspects in many ways:

Aspect.getEmpty().oneOf([X, Y, Z]).allOf([A, B, C]).exclude([U, V])

is the same as:

Aspect.getAspectForAllOf([A, B, C]).exclude([U, V]).oneOf([X, Y, Z])
class Aspect {

 int _all = 0;
 int _excluded = 0;
 int _one = 0;

  * Returns an aspect where an entity must possess all of the specified components.
 Aspect allOf(List<Type> componentTypes) {
   _all = _updateBitMask(_all, componentTypes);
   return this;

  * Excludes all of the specified components from the aspect. A system will not be
  * interested in an entity that possesses one of the specified excluded components.
  * Returns an aspect that can be matched against entities.
 Aspect exclude(List<Type> componentTypes) {
   _excluded = _updateBitMask(_excluded, componentTypes);
   return this;

  * Returns an aspect where an entity must possess one of the specified components.
 Aspect oneOf(List<Type> componentTypes) {
   _one = _updateBitMask(_one, componentTypes);
   return this;

  * Creates an aspect where an entity must possess all of the specified components.
 static Aspect getAspectForAllOf(List<Type> componentTypes) {
   Aspect aspect = new Aspect();
   return aspect;

  * Creates an aspect where an entity must possess one of the specified componens.
 static getAspectForOneOf(List<Type> componentTypes) {
   Aspect aspect = new Aspect();
   return aspect;

  * Creates and returns an empty aspect. This can be used if you want a system that processes no entities, but
  * still gets invoked. Typical usages is when you need to create special purpose systems for debug rendering,
  * like rendering FPS, how many entities are active in the world, etc.
  * You can also use the all, one and exclude methods on this aspect, so if you wanted to create a system that
  * processes only entities possessing just one of the components A or B or C, then you can do:
  * Aspect.getEmpty().one("A", "B", "C");
  * Returns an empty Aspect that will reject all entities.
 static Aspect getEmpty() => new Aspect();

 int get all => _all;
 int get excluded => _excluded;
 int get one => _one;

 int _updateBitMask(int mask, List<Type> componentTypes) {
   if (null != componentTypes) {
     componentTypes.forEach((componentType) {
       mask = mask | ComponentTypeManager.getBit(componentType);
   return mask;


Static Methods

Aspect getAspectForAllOf(List<Type> componentTypes) #

Creates an aspect where an entity must possess all of the specified components.

static Aspect getAspectForAllOf(List<Type> componentTypes) {
 Aspect aspect = new Aspect();
 return aspect;

dynamic getAspectForOneOf(List<Type> componentTypes) #

Creates an aspect where an entity must possess one of the specified componens.

static getAspectForOneOf(List<Type> componentTypes) {
 Aspect aspect = new Aspect();
 return aspect;

Aspect getEmpty() #

Creates and returns an empty aspect. This can be used if you want a system that processes no entities, but still gets invoked. Typical usages is when you need to create special purpose systems for debug rendering, like rendering FPS, how many entities are active in the world, etc.

You can also use the all, one and exclude methods on this aspect, so if you wanted to create a system that processes only entities possessing just one of the components A or B or C, then you can do: Aspect.getEmpty().one("A", "B", "C");

Returns an empty Aspect that will reject all entities.

static Aspect getEmpty() => new Aspect();


final int all #

int get all => _all;

final int excluded #

int get excluded => _excluded;

final int one #

int get one => _one;


Aspect allOf(List<Type> componentTypes) #

Returns an aspect where an entity must possess all of the specified components.

Aspect allOf(List<Type> componentTypes) {
 _all = _updateBitMask(_all, componentTypes);
 return this;

Aspect exclude(List<Type> componentTypes) #

Excludes all of the specified components from the aspect. A system will not be interested in an entity that possesses one of the specified excluded components.

Returns an aspect that can be matched against entities.

Aspect exclude(List<Type> componentTypes) {
 _excluded = _updateBitMask(_excluded, componentTypes);
 return this;

Aspect oneOf(List<Type> componentTypes) #

Returns an aspect where an entity must possess one of the specified components.

Aspect oneOf(List<Type> componentTypes) {
 _one = _updateBitMask(_one, componentTypes);
 return this;