is a repository of libraries for gamedev (in dart) for 2D or 3D.
- Examples :
- demonstrations : animation, particle, verlet, ... in proto2d
- graphics of functions
- color editor
Libraries :
- ease is a set of common ease functions for interpolation, transition, animations,
- colors functions to convert and modified colors (irgba, rgb, hsv, hsl, darken, lighten, triad, tetrad, ...)
- quadtree (WIP)
- collisions 2D (WIP)
You don't need to embrace the dartemis framework in your application to use the brick in.
- transform used to define the position, rotation and scale of your entity in space (2D + 3D).
- animator components + system to manage animation (any update on entity, with a start, a duration (infinity) and a stop).
- entity_state a way to manage states (of a finite state machine) of your entity : state == group of component (to add, to remove, to modify).
- simpleaudio a way to integrate simpleaudio into your dartemis application to play sound, music.
- proto2d used to debug or to prototype display in canvas (eg: as blueprint in demonstrations)
- emitter used to create entity (regular or particles)
- particles basic definitions of particles WIP
- verlet simulator (~ physic engine) WIP
- three.js integration WIP
- box2d integration WIP
Widgets (webcomponent)
- xfchart to display a function (eg: used in the ease_graphics.html)
- xtchart to display chart of realtime data like time serie (via push)
Every dependencies are defined as dev_dependencies
so :
- users'project aren't pollute by not required thrid-party lib (if you use entity_state, you don't need box2d)
- users should explicitly list dependencies requeried by the dartemis addon (eg: box2d, vector_math) in its own project.
Contributions are welcome.